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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

~ A Nightmare for Your Dream ~

Author: Meraki P. Dark
Title: A Nightmare for Your Dream
Series: Dark Empire 3 (can be read as standalone, but best read in order)
Release date: 2020 July 1
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Rating: ★★★★☆


All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. ~Victor Hugo

When Robert was but a small child, he saw how sickness tore apart his family—either from the disease itself or by the sorrow and financial burden of the US Healthcare System.
Left with nothing as a ward of the State, Robert found what would ultimately shape his life—the innate desire to cure what had killed his sisters and destroyed his family.

As Robert grew older, that goal intensified to a point where selling the use of his body to save up for tuition seemed like a good idea.

But one man’s bid outweighed everyone else’s. He’d trade Robert the means to fulfilling his dream. All Robert had to do was to willingly submit to a nightmare.

For the time it would take the 19-year-old man to become a doctor, he’d live with the old man and service ever depraved need demanded of his body. With his eye on the ball, Robert accepts, but with his eye on the ball, Robert doesn’t see that more than his body is being used and shaped to fulfill the old man’s wants and needs.

My review: 

After we got to know Malcolm aka Robert in the first two book, now was the time to know more about his past and how he became the person who he is. 

It was really interesting, I really didn't know that this book will be about Robert's past and how he "sell" himself to became a doctor. 

If you read dark books, there are always a time when you think nothing can surprise you. No one can show you something new. And then you realize how wrong you were, because there is. Always. This book was deliciously dark and loved reading about all the thing that Mr. Thomlinson did to and with Robert. And Hardy too. Loved the characters and how dark their mind was. But after all, Robert had the best and worst mind ever.

Loved the connection between Sire/Pet, I always love this kind of relationship and I always swoon when someone is called pet in a book, it's just so perfect. The way Mr. Thomlinson handled everything was really cool, and it was great to see Robert's change. 

There was one point in the story when I didn't know what to feel - when the toys/holes where in the scene - I mean, I don't mind darkness and rape in this kind of books, but in this case I didn't know what those boys did to deserve this life. Were they innocent? Did they do bad things to deserve this? So I was torn between enjoying the things and worry for them. 

And one tiny problem. Robert was really good character, but he was mostly in the background of his Sire, and when he got the chance to speak his mind and do what he needs to do it was like a whole other character. It was hot, don't get me wrong, how he handled that guy who tried to rape him, but it throw me off. It wasn't like Robert at all. 

But after all, this book was really good. A bit different then the first two, but I enjoyed reading it. Can't wait the next book.

All the kinks in this book just yummy. 

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