Taboo BooxXx has been keeping a big secret. And we’re proud to reveal it!
It is our great pleasure to announce our first signed author.
Rosary Deville
Rosary Deville is the pseudonym of someone already known to write BDSM, but something was missing. The ability to showcase and portray topics of relevance that lay beyond the confines of consensual…whatever, the boundaries are many.
At Taboo BooxXx, we welcome any voice that pushes the limits showcasing anything that goes beyond the consensual because it happens. Daily. Silencing it to death doesn’t help. It just buries the victims’ voices.
So we’re happy to introduce a new voice who, in the guise of the genre paranormal, writes stories that’ll shake your world view a bit. If you allow yourself to read between the lines, that is.
Rosary Deville comes to us with a story that tests innocence in a world that stakes demands on the youngest of its society. She explores the confinements a young person can be met by in a world where someone’s place in a hierarchy is predetermined. She explores the will to fight societal predetermined rolls, the instincts and drives that a person can be under during the greatest changes in their life, and she pokes at how dreams factor into those upheavals of a young person’s life.
As always when picking up a Taboo BooxXx, read the warnings. But if you let yourself dare and go on a journey into one of our stories, you might glimpse the societal relevance of the topics our authors take up and disguise in genres of, in this case, the paranormal.
Will they be pleasant? No!
Will they be relevant? Absolutely!
Because that’s our goal.
Rosary Deville touches upon a subject most in the western world discards as a problem in other parts of the world. Forced marriage. But from there to a very relevant topic, even in the Western world, there isn’t really that far. She dares touch upon spousal abuse, and that’s a very Western problem, too.
Cloaked by a genre to put the touchy subject at arm’s length and wrapped up in a riveting plot, action, struggle, debate, and love, Rosary Deville delivers food for thought and one hell of an entertaining story.
Read more here:
Author reveal party will be held in House of Taboo BooxXx on Saturday, March 28th.
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Interviewing Rosary Deville
We have the distinct honor to be the first to interview a new Taboo BooxXx author. Rosary Deville. First off…that name makes me think of Dalmatians. A lot of them, in fact. How did you come up with that pen name?
I decided to allow myself to write out my darker sexual fantasies, and for that I needed a name. I wanted to challenge my religion that I grew up with, so I used the first name Rosary. Then I wanted to juxtapose that with a devilish name, and what’s more devil sounding than the name of the actual devil. So Deville it is!
But at some point, rather than making this name about being “evil”, I wanted to make it more sex-positive—as in indulging in one’s sexual fantasies, even those taboo. That they all have a place in the development of full, rounded persons.
Ironically, I wasn’t at first thinking about 101 Dalmatians, but I’m sure it was somewhere in my subconscious as I searched for an evil sounding, but covert and legitimate names!
The Offering starts out with a pretty action filled scene. Was that how the story came to you? Or was it a theme or character that sparked the muses?
The story idea came from a sexual fantasy of mine—where alphas hunted betas, and then it grew from there. I never expected to share it, let alone publish. But as I am deciding to embrace my sexuality, sharing my stories seemed like the next logical step. Also, I have an author friend who read it and refused to let me hide it in a drawer. So, she gave me that extra confidence that I needed to let it out into the world.
As for if any specific characters sparked the muse. Not specifically, but I watch and read a lot of yaoi. For those of you not familiar, yaoi is Japanese M/M anime or manga. There’s a trope in yaoi called tsundere. This type of character puts up a tough, often mean exterior, but underneath there’s a vulnerable side only certain characters have the ability to draw out. There’s also an internal struggle of revealing this innocence to the world, and trying to keep the tough exterior. While Fern in no way has a “mean” exterior, he is the kind of person that doesn’t want to show how vulnerable and innocent he is, rather he’s a snarky little brat, and doesn’t back down. So, Fern’s not a wilting flower, and he can hold his own in a fight. But at the same time, he longs to submit and be taken care of. I used Fern’s music and bands to cement this side of him, and have him war with his inner feelings.
Don came from a mixture of exposure to what I consider the good dom. Gentle, but firm. Doesn’t tolerate disobedience, while at the same time, not abusing his authority.
Which parts of the story did you find easiest to write?
I wrote this story in a different approach to my others. I put myself into an erotic headspace while I wrote, so it was more living through it and letting it flow onto the page as it came. I didn’t do any plotting—unlike what I normally do. This was about fantasies I had, and I just let them play out and come together how they wanted to.
Were there parts of it that was like pulling teeth?
Pulling teeth definitely happened in the editing phase, not so much the writing. While editing, I had to leave my headspace, and then I was free to hear my inner censor saying how it was not good enough, etc., etc.… But while writing, I was just unleashing what was inside.
Also, I have clinical OCD, so you can imagine how hard going back and editing is! At my worst moments, it can take me a day to go through a page! Talk about a pain in the head! Hence why having an editor is helpful.
What fascinates you the most about the Wereduin world that you created?
I like the idea that in a world of hierarchy there’s no distinction between genders. Male or female can get pregnant and impregnate. As a feminist, I tend to want to show gender equality in my writing, so I’m glad that it came out here—even though egalitarianism is the exact opposite word to describe Wereduin society.
Did you think about societal problems to be solved in this world, or do you think they kinda subconsciously pushed their way forward to be looked upon?
More subconsciously. When I wrote this story, I gave myself permission to throw out the censor. To not put limits on my writing as far as what is socially acceptable, or rather, the morals and behavior that I set for my own life, such as the idea of equality. Instead, I allowed myself to completely detach from my “outside self”, and let the hidden, but innate parts of my sexuality come out on the page. Originally, I planned to be the only one enjoying my stories, as I didn’t think I’d share this one, but life has a sense of humor in a lot of ways. So, I wasn’t planning on dealing with societal problems parallel to our world in this. So, yeah, it was more organic. But as this story took on a life of its own, themes just came up, and once there, I had an opportunity to explore these issues.
Who’s your favorite character, and why?
Fern, definitely. He’s an oddity in his society, and he’s not ashamed by it. He speaks out for what he considers unjust and cares for others deeply. He’s the kind of guy who would stand up for the kid in class getting picked on, and say an overall ‘fuck you’ to people who don’t like him.
Fuck, Marry, Kill!
Fuck – Don! He’s got loads of experience, and he’d take complete control—drawing forth hidden sexual desires that you didn’t know existed. It’d be one hell of a night!
Marry – Shamar. This question relates more to me, and not Rosary. I’d choose him because he’s the kind of friend that would be there in good and terrible times. He’s also more mature than Fern in a lot of ways, which would make him more “marriage material.”
Kill – Lord Kenneally. I’ll leave that explanation to when you read the book!
What other shifter world do you think it could be fun having a cross-over with?
I have another werewolf series—I’m writing under my real name—that I haven’t published yet, called Feral Hearts. These werewolves are VERY different than the Wereduin in Offering. So, it would be fun to see how they’d hit heads.
For instance, the main character, Alex, is an alpha. Unlike Don, Alex isn’t a fighter. He’s uncertain, weak, and emotional. He’s a fish out of water, much in the same way Fern is. Don would look at Alex as weak. However, in Feral Hearts, their werewolves are spiritual aspects, and are more like deities. And although weak, Alex’s wolf aspect is super powerful. So Don would be impressed by that and at the same time, look down upon Alex, who doesn’t want to lead, and if he could, he’d stop being an alpha and a werewolf, the exact opposite of Don.
It would be interesting to see how Alex and Fern would interact. How Alex would want to help free Fern. In Feral Hearts, there are some cases where it is legal for humans to kill werewolves, and in Don’s eyes that would make their society weak. Ironically, Don might have more in common with the antagonists in Feral Hearts. Now you got me excited, and super curious to see how a story like this would play out!
Let’s get to know you a bit more. You write under pseudonyms. Do you keep them strictly separate or don’t you mind that people know both sides of the coin so to speak?
I only recently started using a pen. I don’t mind people knowing who I am, but as Rosary, I plan to write more taboo subjects, so it seemed best to take another name—save those Thanksgiving dinners from getting too awkward! I might eventually co-write with my real name—mostly because the characters in one of my short stories, Bets with Benefits, are very BDSM, and I wanted to write freely about this when I give them their own novel. And now that you’ve stirred up the idea of an Offering/Feral Hearts crossover, that might go somewhere, too!
I also plan to remove the filter, so to speak, in a similar manner as how I wrote Offering when I write that book. So basically, if it’s a sexual fantasy or inspired by one, it’ll be under Rosary.
Dogs or cats? Or something else?
Cats! I have two fur babies, and can’t get enough of them. They get me, and suite my personality better than dogs. Although, all pets can be adorable 😊
Coffee or tea?
Tea, big time! Not a coffee drinker, unless I need to spend hours on the road driving home.
What’s your favorite kind of movie?
I like stories where the characters develop strong relationships, not necessarily the genre. Although, I tend to go with fantasy and paranormal movies. Basically, if there’s some kind of supernatural element, odds are I’ll chose it over a contemporary one. I also love murder mysteries and having puzzles to solve.
What’s your favorite genre as a reader?
I’m not that big into contemporary fiction, although I’ll read it (and have a few stories in progress, as well). It’s a fantastical element for me!
How do you feel about being the first “baby” of the BooxXx Family?
I’m super excited! As a middle child, I grew up watching my big sis being the trial kid, which I’m sure had it’s ups and downs, but I definitely am looking forward to all of the attention. The idea of being the firstborn “test” child is exciting!
What’s your greatest hope that readers will take away from the Wereduin series?
That’s a hard one. I think it would probably be that it’s okay to embrace your sexual fantasies. As I said before, these stories are sexual fantasies I have had. They aren’t role models or how-tos for relationships. So I wouldn’t want readers coming away from the series thinking that Fern and Don’s relationship is always a very healthy one. Rather, I would like for readers to think about their own sexual fantasies, and know that as humans we all have dark, kinky thoughts we tend to keep hidden, even from ourselves. And hopefully, by reading Offering, readers can see that it’s okay to embrace them, and find healthy outlets for them. Roleplay, etc. In my case, with my writing.
Do you think there’ll be more books in that world? Or do you have plans to play in another genre for a while?
Yes, they’ll definitely be more books in this world! I’ve got two spin-offs lined up. One regarding Don’s two brothers, and the other Fern’s friends, Lucian and Alphonse. Both of these stories will be dark erotica, and written in the same way I did Offering. So expect lots of sex and messed up situations! lol
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