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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

~ The Mandate ~

Author: Meraki P. Dark
Title: The Mandate
Series: Lil Harvest 2
Release date: 2019 September 25
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Rating: ★★★★★


In the beginning, an Incubus was merely a low-ranking demon who fed on the sexual terror he could inflict upon a human being. But that was before one of them got the idea to turn a human with nothing to lose into the perfect demon feeder.

During his first cycle, Kendrick learned to live with what he’d become at the pleasurable hands of the demon Bakzel. He even felt hopeful that he’d learned to balance his humanity against the demon seed growing stronger inside of him. He felt hopeful he’d earned his title as the master of demonic underlings serving him.
But there’s more to being human than retaining the ability to feel empathy toward someone who has hurt you. There’s more to being a master than having the power to veto a decision.

One valuable lesson has yet to be presented to Kendrick. The general rules for demons and how they may interact with humans, the human realm, and stake claim to a territory. That lesson is sprung on Kendrick in an untimely fashion.

*Please note that Lil Harvest is in the genre Horror as it contains the effects of demonic manipulation, and as a result, content in these works may contain graphic scenes of depravity, cruelty, and violence—sexual or otherwise—that could be offensive and potentially triggering to some readers.

My review: 

F-ing yes! Now this is what i'm talking about if I want darkness. This is what I need and this book was really good. 

I think it wasn't as dark and twisted as the first, but it was still good and loved reading it. Loved all the characters and their decisions, loved Kendrick (who's name was Felix in this cycle) and his both side (demon and human) and loved how he changed into this hotness. And man, how perfect was the fact that he got himself Gabin, his own underling for his pleasure, aww they were so cute! LOL I know this book shouldn't been called cute but come on, Gabin and Felix were cute together! I loved them in the first book too, all the tension between them, and now finally they were together and all the pages were in flames, they were so hot! 

And Tristan! Aww why?! Why give me someone to love and then take him away? Just whyyyyy. All the same as the first book. Kendrick get a human to love, and I get him to love too, and the end of the book, just hush - everything is over and i'm crying. 

You know someone who cries over a dark book? Over a dark horror erotica? That's me!

And and and I almost forgot! Bakzel! Aww that demon! How hot Bakzel and Kendrick together are! Holy hotness. 

LOVE this series! Love all the details and all the characters, the storytelling and the darkness. Perfect! 

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